Wednesday, December 31, 2008

LIVE Surf with Murph has concluded


Murph, June and I are down in Waikiki for a few more days while everyone else has left. So, the live coverage is over. If you watched, I'm sure you weren't disappointed and most likely insulted at several points.

My posting has clearly slipped up, but I'll get updates and more photos sometime tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

So far it looks like "Murph" is taking it easy, I'm sure that won't last. Have a Blast!!!
Love, Mom

Steve said...

I can't believe I wasted 3 minutes of my life watching your empty couch while you all were probably throwing up on each other in the other room. How about a wireless helmet cam next time?

Steve said...

I apologize for my previous comment, I didn't take into account the time difference. It's only 5:30 a.m., you are completely justified in throwing up on each other in the other room. Carry on.

Anonymous said...

has teh tydog landed?

Unknown said...

Yes, Ty landed safe and sound yesterday morning. He's still trying to recover from his red-eye flight.

Anonymous said...

Snorkeling and Jet skiing... Man, life is tough. Hope your having a blast KJ. Take it easy & have fun


Unknown said...

Im off from work for a couple of i thought Id check my cousin out......You missed a great time at Murray Christmas (exciting as always)....Im thinking about getting a last minute ticket ;)

Anonymous said...

JAckie - I'm so jealous!

Unknown said...

I just watched some dude reading a book on the couch, scratch his nuts, then sniff his hand.

Steve said...

good times!

Anonymous said...

I think this Murph guy and myself would get along just fine. Hey Murph pour a shot or two for me and enjoy. Aloha from 10 below zero Connecticut. Eric The Great

Anonymous said...

murphy bites

Sean and Elizabeth Hoey said...

Happy New Year Jamie, Mike, and the rest of you!!!

Love Liz and Sean

Steve said...

I continue to jealously loathe you while you guys sit on Waikiki Beach. When you feel the sun scorching your back a little too much tomorrow, yes, that's me... jealously loathing you and your fun times. When you get back to civilization, you're most certainly buying the first round.